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Welcome to the MRF Advocacy Coalition
The Morgellons Research Foundation is working diligently to accomplish the goals of the MRF: raising awareness of Morgellons disease and increasing funding for research. Please help us help you, your loved ones, or people whose lives have been affected by this illness.

Together, we can make a difference.
Here are some of the ways you can help:

1. Register with the MRF. .
This allows us to attempt to track the number of people who are suffering from the disease, learn what symptoms they have, and what parts of the country/world are most affected. Congress pays attention to these numbers. All information will be kept confidential.

2. Contact Congress.
Ask ten additional people to do the same.

The fastest way to send the following letter to Congress is via FAX. Postal mail is also effective, but is a much slower process due to government mail screening. Your representatives’ contact information can be found at:


Click here for a sample letter to Congress.



3. Contact President Obama.
Ask ten additional people to do the same.

Information about contacting president Obama can be seen below. This letter (or your version) can be sent via the following two Whitehouse website contact forms, faxed or mailed to the President. We recommend faxing over mailing since postal mailings likely pass through a lengthy security screening process.

Whitehouse Fax number: 202-456-2461
Whitehouse Main Office website form
Whitehouse Public Liason Office Website form

Click here for a sample letter to the President.

4. Please consider volunteering your time to help us.
We are trying to help over 13,000 families whose lives have been affected by this illness. We are a grassroots organization with all-volunteer officers, board members or staff. We do have human compassion, drive, and dedication. But we need help! We have a tremendous need for volunteers able to assist us in some critical need areas, including those below.

Critical Needs:

Please email [email protected] if you can help in one of the following ways:

A. Clinicians: If you are a physician, or other clinician and feel that you could help us in any way, please contact us. We are in need of clinicians willing to accept patients suffering from this illness.

B. Fundraising. We hope to raise appropriate funds to support the five (5) research grant proposals sent to us by PhD level scientists, which will speed the discovery process.

C. Professionals. We would like to hear from professionals capable of helping in any way.

D. Scientists. We would like to hear from scientists able to investigate any aspect of this illness.